Get Help With Addiction in Houston, TX Now!
Take the first step to recovery.
Congratulations on making the best decision of your life. The Council's experienced and dedicated team of licensed treatment professionals can help you stop drinking, using drugs, or other addictive behaviors. Here's what to do now:
Start your journey to recovery here.
The Council on Recovery
303 Jackson Hill Street
Houston, TX, 77007
Call our local number to talk with one of our Licensed Counselors and discuss your situation.
To contact the Center for Recovering Families directly, call 713.914.0556.
Can't talk now? That's fine, we can call you during our normal business hours. Simply fill in the form below. After you click the "Submit" button, you will see a confirmation message on the following page. One of our Licensed Counselors will then call you on the date you select.
To contact us online, fill in the form below. After you click the "Submit" button, you will see a confirmation message on the following page. One of our Licensed Counselors will respond to you as quickly as possible.
Contact Form
(Note: If you need to cancel an appointment or therapy session, please call instead of using this form)
Note: If you don’t have Insurance or resources to pay for treatment, The Council can still help. Let us help determine if you qualify for state-funded assistance or other community resources. Click here for more information. We turn no one away.